i wrote a bio for you

Matthew Frye-Castillo (he/him) is a tenure-track CCE Lecturer of Professional Writing at Lehman College, City University of New York, and the author of One Headlight: a Memoir (Cirque Press). He was a long-time contributor to The Anchorage Press and the arts editor of The Red Hook Star-Revue. His personal essays, criticism, poetry, and fiction have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Anchorage Daily News, Best Gay Stories, and Worn in New York, which was featured in the Netflix adaptation, Worn Stories. His creative work has been supported by the Hertog Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Matthew holds an MFA from Hunter College and studied at Columbia University, Clark University, and The University of Alaska, Anchorage. Find him across social media @matthewsyntax907.